
Cobe sessions no2 grafik cobe dk news

Cobe Sessions No. 2 featuring Martin Rein-Cano, Stig L. Andersson and Dan Stubbergaard

Join us for a prominent debate about urban space as a stage for social interaction and natural dynamics with Martin Rein-Cano, founder of TOPOTEK 1 from Berlin, and Stig L. Andersson, founder of SLA from Copenhagen, moderated by architect and founder of Cobe, Dan Stubbergaard. The session will be in English. Free admission. No registration.

Cobe Sessions is a recurrent event held at our studio in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn. We invite different players in the architecture and design business to share and discuss their work. Our in-studio café run by Cobe and Depanneur is open during and after the event, where you are welcome to have a drink and hang out. See more info here.


May 9 2019 at 4.30-8.00 pm.



Pakhus 54, Orientkaj 4, st.

DK-2150 Nordhavn

Dan Stubbergaard 03 COBE credit Nikolai Linares

Dan Stubbergaard gives public lecture at TU Berlin

Cobe's Founder Dan Stubbergaard will be giving a public lecture at TU Berlin on April 11, as part of the POSITIONEN lecture series organised by Jacob van Rijs, Founder of MVRDV and chair of the university. Jacob van Rijs will introduce Dan Stubbergaard, who will speak about Our Urban Living Room. The POSITIONEN lecture series welcomes practitioners, theorists, and researchers from around the world. The series is free and open to the public. Sign up for the Facebook event here.

April 11 2019 at 7:00 pm

Technische Universität Berlin – Institut für Architektur
Hörsaal A151
Straße des 17. Juni 152

Cobe news cobe participates in copenhagen architecture festival

Cobe is part of Copenhagen Architecture Festival 2019

Cobe will be participating in several events during Copenhagen Architecture Festival 2019, and will in addition be hosting an event in our own neighbourhood in Copenhagen's Nordhavn.

On April 5 2019, join us for the exhibition opening of 'Manifest Stafet', where Cobe's Dan Stubbergaard contributes with a manifesto on the values and ideals for the architecture of the future. Sign up for the Facebook event here: CAFx: Manifest Stafet.

On April 8 2019, Cobe is organising a city walk around Nordhavn – the neighbourhood of both The Silo, Cobe's office, our architecture café and several other projects. Sign up for the Facebook Event here: CAFx: Byvandring i Nordhavn med Cobe.

On April 12 2019, Cobe will be participating in a city walk around the neighbourhood of Tingbjerg, presenting Tingbjerg Library and Culture House. Sign up for the Facebook event here: CAFxTOUR: Tingbjerg – Nu med ghettoblaster og ejerboliger.

Cobe news tingbjerg library and culture house is finalist for danish design award 2019 2

Tingbjerg Library and Culture House is finalist for Danish Design Award 2019

Tingbjerg Library and Culture House is finalist for Danish Design Award 2019 in the category 'Livable Cities' – nominated with the following words from the Jury:

"The Tingbjerg Library and Culture House is a bold statement that addresses the notion of a marginalized area in the city and the notion of a library building itself. The store-front approach of displaying culture to the local community is very effective. Cobe have designed a building of both high quality and craftsmanship. The library helps bring back trust, community and public life to the area, thus contributing to a more liveable city."

Every year, Danish Design Award gathers the broad business life, the design industry and the entire country to celebrate the difference design solutions can make in socity and everyday life. The winner will be announced at the award show May 13 2019.

Cobe news lecture at aarhus school of architecture4

Public lecture by Dan Stubbergaard at Aarhus School of Architecture

On March 14, Cobe's Founder Dan Stubbergaard will give a public lecture at Aarhus School of Architecture as a part of the international lecture series Nordic Perspectives.

Nordic Perspectives is organized by Aarhus School of Architecture to shed light on recent and classic Nordic architecture, as seen through the eyes of distinguished practicing architects and leading scholars with the aim to give new breath to ideas and dreams marked by Nordic approaches to architectural solutions on any scale. The lecture will be in English. Read more here.


March 14 2019, 3:00-5:00 pm


Aarhus School of Architecture – Navitas' Auditorium

Inge Lehmanns Gade 10

DK-8000 Aarhus C


Cobe news cobe at mipim 2019

Cobe at MIPIM 2019

Cobe will be attending the upcoming, 30th edition, MIPIM real estate conference in Cannes, France, from March 12-15 2019. Join us for a debate about the value of architecture or get in touch below.

Panel participation

Cobe's Managing Director Nina Mathiesen is participating in the 'Architecture with added value' panel discussion hosted by the Danish Association of Architectural Firms and Copenhagen Urban Network, Thursday, March 14 2019, at 10:30-12:00. See more info about the event here.

Meeting enquiries

Please direct your enquiries for meetings to:

- Founder, Dan Stubbergaard (

- Managing Director, Nina Mathiesen (

- Director of Business Development and Communications, Stine Lund Hansen (

We look forward to meeting you at the French Riviera.

010 cobe west don lands exterior

Cobe designs affordable housing in downtown Toronto

A client group consisting of Dream Unlimited, Kilmer Van Nostrand Co. Limited and Tricon Capital Group has commissioned Cobe to develop a large scale mixed-use residential development in Toronto’s downtown east in collaboration with architectsAlliance.

Consisting of three buildings, two of which Cobe has designed, the project contains 761 market rental apartment units including 30 percent affordable rental units which are indistinguishable in their design. Located in a former industrial area, called West Don Lands, the site is an intersection of three distinct neighbourhoods. The project stacks the architectural components from the three neigbourhoods: townhouses, warehouses and silos, creating a complex that both adapts to its surroundings and contributes by adding new distinctive, robust architecture. The project provides all residents with a generous apartment, flooded with light through floor-to-ceiling windows and access to attractive amenity spaces. All in all the project encourages public life and a sense of community among the residents and the local community

Groundbreaking takes place mid-2019, and completion is scheduled for early 2022. The project is one of four Cobe is currently undertaking in North America.

Dan stubbergaard credit cobe

Dan Stubbergaard speaking at Roskilde Festival Folk High School

On 10 April, Cobe's founder Dan Stubbergaard will be giving a lecture at Cobe and MVRDV's newly inaugurated Roskilde Festival Folk High School. During the lecture, he will be sharing his own journey from being a young aspiring architect and folk high school student, to founding Cobe.

Sign up for the event here.


10 April 7:00-8:30 pm


Roskilde Festival Højskole (Roskilde Festival Folk High School)

Basgangen 20

DK-4000 Roskilde


070 cobe approach roskilde

North Europe’s biggest music festival opens folk high school designed by Cobe and MVRDV in a former concrete factory

Today is the official opening of Roskilde Festival Folk High School – the first new-build general folk high school in Denmark for 50 years. The new folk high school is designed by Cobe and MVRDV, the same partnership that created the nearby RAGNAROCK Museum in the creative Musicon district in the city of Roskilde, DK.

The 5.578 m² school is situated in a former concrete production hall and offers a setting for learning based on the same ideals as the annual music festival Roskilde Festival. Cobe and MVRDV have renovated and opened the former factory hall up by adding large windows while preserving the existing structure. The hall, which was originally a single open space, now houses 16 large boxes in different colors and materials. The boxes contain a variety of functions, such as workshops for the school’s artistic courses, stages, music studios, dance hall, classrooms, staff room and a lecture hall. In addition to the folk high school the project also includes dwellings for students and teachers.

See more picture of Roskilde Festival Folk High School om Cobe's Facebook.

Cobe news cobe sessions no 1

Cobe Sessions No. 1 featuring Anne Skovbro, Camilla van Deurs and Dan Stubbergaard

Join us for a debate about the future of Copenhagen – the visions and realities together with Anne Skovbro, CEO, CPH City & Port Development, and Camilla van Deurs, City Architect for the City of Copenhagen. Moderator: Dan Stubbergaard, architect and founder of Cobe.

Cobe Sessions is a recurrent event held at our studio in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn. We invite different players in the architecture and design business to share and discuss their work. Our in-studio café run by Cobe and Depanneur is open during and after the event, where you are welcome to have a drink and hang out.

Free admission. No registration. See more info here.


28 February 2019 at 4:30-6:30 pm



Pakhus 54, Orientkaj 4, st.

DK-2150 Nordhavn
